Please remember!

The information presented on this blog represents "learning in progress" on my part, a horse owner, who was not satisfied with professional farriers and took matters in my own hands. As far as I am aware at the time of the post, the information presented is correct, but may change with me understanding more about hooves, in which case I will edit or remove the post. In order to follow my learning and understand everything about Molly's hoof, you need to start reading at the bottom.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A powerful demonstration of Gus' role as "leading stallion" in their community of two

I just experienced the most amazing thing. Molly has the new Zebra fly blanket. She has been wearing it for a few days now, but never in the big turnout, i.e. together with Gus. Only separated in her small individual paddock. Today, I saw her rolling twice in the blanket and I thought everything is fine, the blanket stayed put, so it would be time to turn her out together with Gus wearing that blanket.

Oh my god! Gus did not recognize Molly. He thought a new stallion had appeared on the scene and his mare had disappeared, and he went straight into attacking mode. Really, just the same as one can see those mustang stallions fighting each other in the wild. Gus was crazy, gaping his mouth open, rising high in the air, chasing Molly like I had never seen before. Molly kicked and squeeked of course, but really could not believe what was going on. They had been such a perfect couple for a long time now, with defined roles as mare and stallion (though he is a gelding of course).

I managed to get Gus out of there, he had a few hoof prints on his chest but thankfully both horses are unharmed. Next, I took the blanket off of Molly and let Gus back in the big turnout area. He immediately recognized Molly, moved her a few steps around, like he always does, throwing his head until she slowly walks in front of him where he wants her to move and then he hid his head under her tail, something he does to get rid of flies. Both horses were one heart and one soul again. Within 1 second, he had his mare back and gotten rid of that rival, and was happy.

So now I am wondering, which cue did he miss on that "new" horse. I cant imagine it is the smell, Molly had been wearing this blanket for some time and at the back there was even a pee stain. He must have missed the visual cues he is used to. That was enough for him to attack.

But it also says a lot about my Gus. Because this is how he is, in the slightest doubt that something bad could have happened he chooses the attack route. I think it is because he knows he is so strong. And he is. He would have been a wonderful powerful stallion out on the ranges with his band of mares. Now he has just one, but he will never give up on that one, that's for sure!

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